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What is Scent Detection Sport and Why You Need to Join The Sport?

Sport Scent Detection is not a new sport. It has been around for 10 years. The best thing about scent detection is that any dog can excel. Your dog may be too slow for agility, or not engaged enough for Rally Obedience, but it will excel in Sport Scent Detection. All breeds, unregistered dogs, old dogs, and young dogs can join this sport. This is the best sport for a nervous dog, a lame or…   Continue

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Canadian Pet Expo Show – April 2015

We did 2 great shows this weekend. The dogs loved performing in the big auditorium with everyone in the bleachers watching them. There were more distractions than we imagined: people (shampoo, deodorant, body odour, tooth paste, mints, laundry soap), kangaroos, parrots, lama, straw, food court, all around the ring. We followed woof dogs, dog luring, and other shows. To the left we had 30 wet dogs and another 200 spectators. With all these distractions our…   Continue

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Puppy Primer: What is the Most Important Command?

Leave it. A puppy who understands this has the foundation for good manners and reliable control. Every puppy obedience task is built on the leave it command. To heel well a puppy needs to learn not to pull towards things it is interested in. A long, reliable, stay cannot be accomplished unless the puppy understands the leave it command. Teaching the leave it command without using punishment is vital to building a trust relationship with…   Continue

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How to Teach the Heel?

  There are several ways to teach heeling. Before choosing the right one for you it is important to define your objectives. Obedience Competition, Rally Obedience, Schutzhund and IPO Walking and control in public, especially in crowds Control when visiting, going to the vets, or walking to and from the car. Each of these methods require a different style of heeling. Looking to owner for cues. Happy demeanor. Fully following the owner’s lead. While this…   Continue

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Starting in Rally Obedience

http://www.sinisterlabs.biz/CKC_Rally_20150101.php   These are the CKC Rally Signs. Rally is open to purebred dogs, and any dog which applies for a number from the CKC. You can compete if you do not have a number, but you must pay a listing fee, and there will be no way to track your legs, or wins. Pointer #1 – your dog will need to look away to ease its mind and reduce stress. The more you work with…   Continue

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