Reactivity isn’t a training thing. It isn’t a ‘bad dog thing’ It isn’t a ‘bad training’ thing It isn’t a complicated thing. Recipe for a Reactive Dog Lack of socializing and mental stimulation 2 – 12 weeks. Being taught to fear walking/people/dogs 8 – 20 weeks. Bad Genetics Bad Food Pain Environment The problem with a reactive dog is that many dog trainers have tunnel vision. They look at only one aspect of… Continue
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How many times have you dealt with dog behavior that is out of control, but they are yelling ‘It’s okay, he is friendly.’ In most cases this ‘out of control’ behaviour is not okay. What I find most interesting is that this apparently friendly behavior is not accepted by dogs. Just this weekend a puppy jumped into Carlo’s face and he gently placed his muzzle over the puppy’s muzzle. The incident lasted less than a… Continue
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Last Friday I introduced a new member to Mickey Stilwell’s adolescent class. The dogs were spread over ½ acre and were walking calmly in random patterns. All the dogs were high drive working breeds. The new student was asking when the class would start. I smiled, ‘it has.’ What these dogs were learning was to ignore other dogs. They were learning that it is okay a dog is walking directly towards your dog, and makes… Continue
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Canine Behavior Consultants will tell you that the best tool for changing dogs behavior is classical conditioning. Operant conditioning is good, but not that strong. But when people are told to reinforce their dog for doing something wrong they panic. So, let’s set some ground rules. The Goals and Objectives of any Classical Conditioning Program To make your dog more cognitive To teach your dog coping skills Once your dog can think (cognitive) and has… Continue
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When we argue whether punishment or positive training works it is always from a human ethical or emotional standpoint. I am always amazed that whether we are defending, or bashing, we never take the animal’s point of view into perspective. [quote] [quote_content]Quote content[/quote_content] “Many peoples die at twenty-five and aren’t buried until they are seventy-five.” (Benjamin Franklin) Often, when we publish a pertinent study, the ones who refuses to evolve, argue. No explanation, no factual… Continue
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