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Dog Obedience Training

Puppy Biting

Stop Puppy Biting You have the most wonderful puppy.  It is full of bounce and play, but will cuddle. It is also smart. You can teach it tricks in a few minutes. And it looks at you with loyal, loving eyes. But it doesn’t understand that it shouldn’t bite. Bite Inhibition The problem is that your puppy didn’t come from a kennel where the adults were allowed to teach the puppy bite inhibition at 6…   Continue

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Raising a Working Breed Puppy – Frustration Tolerance vs Impulse Control

There is a lot of jargon in the dog training world. Many of them are no more than catch phrases used to attract followers to a single, specific training method. Like any behavior theory, it will work on some dogs, but not others. Before giving up and thinking that your puppy is bad, or out of control, take a few minutes to learn two things that most trainers won’t talk about, and will try to…   Continue

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Puppy Primer: Stop Puppies From Biting

Download the Puppy Primer Stop Puppies From Biting – Click Here This is the latest paper in our Puppy Primer Series. Biting is a bit problem for puppies. There are so many conflicting ideas that no one knows where to start. The one fact that you can hold as ‘truth’ is… If you want a calm dog then raise a calm puppy Give your puppy plenty of things to do. Teach your puppy to be…   Continue

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Potty Training Puppies

Puppy Primer Sometimes the simplest tasks are the hardest. While it is true that many breeders work hard to have  puppies house broken from the whelping box,  it doesn’t always work. Some puppy’s bladders do not develop until they are older. Other puppies are over stimulated, too busy, and too distracted. Then there is the puppy who takes so long to potty that you are late for work. Sometimes a puppy’s schedule doesn’t fit into…   Continue

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